As many of you know, my trip to Vancouver in February will not be my first trip to this Olympic city. In the past year, I've had the opportunity to visit Vancouver three times on site visits! During these visits, our main goal always remains the same: scope out the city and find a way to make the Olympic experience smooth and stress free for our figure skating team. Over the course of the past year, we have visited several important locations including the Pacific Coliseum (home of the figure skating events), the practice facilities, the Olympic Village and the Whistler venues. In addition, we also found a house to rent (where I'll be living) and a school to rent (where I'll be working). Here are some of the photos from my previous visits! Pacific Coliseum (Home of the Figure Skating Events)
Trout Lake (Official Practice Rink for Figure Skating)

BC Place (Venue for Opening and Closing Ceremonies)

Olympic Village (Where the Athletes Live)

Olympic Superstore (Where I'll Be Shopping!)

Whistler (Home of the Ski and Snowboard Events)